student, acrylics
student, acrylics
students with painting of their pets
UpCerne, Dorset
student, acrylics and oil pastels
student, acrylics
Basic Acrylic Workshop
students with their acrylic flower paintings
student, acrylics
student, acrylics
One Day Basic Acrylic Workshop
setting up for the weekly acrylic workshop
greeting cards
students with paintings of their pets
student, acrylics
students with their finished paintings
Textures & Abstraction Workshop
student, pastels on paper
student, acrylics
student, acrylics
student, soft pastels on paper
UpCerne, Dorset
student, oil pastels
student, acrylic on paper
student, acrylics
weekly acrylic workshop
student, acrylic on paper
student, acrylic on paper
weekly acrylic workshop
UpCerne, Dorset
student, soft pastels
student, acrylic on paper
student, pencil on paper
student, acrylics
weekly acrylic workshop
student, acrylic on paper
student, acrylics
student, soft pastels on paper
student, charcoal on paper
exploring 'tone'
weekly acrylic workshop
student, pastel on paper
student, acrylics
student, acrylics
student, acrylic on paper
UpCerne, Dorset
UpCerne, Dorset
student, acrylics
Landscapes by Jenny Harding and John Parker
student, pencil on paper
Leonora Phelan
student, acrylics
weekly acrylic workshop
Barton Farm, Dorset
weekly acrylic workshop
student, acrylics
Barton Farm, Cerne Abbas
student, collage and acrylics
student, acrylic on paper
student, acrylics
student, acrylics
student, acrylics
student, acrylics
student, acrylics
students at work
student, acrylics
Intermediate Acrylic Painting Workshop
students with paintings of their pets